AgeProof Your Body – Exercise Library


Exercise Library > Angels

How To Do Angels

Angels are a useful exercise to improve shoulder mobility and posture.

Sometimes referred to as “wall angels” or “snow angels”, the arm motion involved in this exercise mimics that of a snow angel. The exercises below will train the mobility and strength required for upright posture and overhead arm mobility.

Here are three variations to get you started with Angels.

Level 1:

Towel-Assisted Angel

Level 2:

Wall Angel

Level 3:

Prone Angel

Level 1

Towel-Assisted Angel

From a seated position, hold a towel in front of you with palms facing downward and hands about two feet apart.

Reach your arms toward the ceiling while keeping your back tall, then lower back down slowly. Pull the towel apart to add extra stability to the motion.

Level 2

Wall Angel

Stand against a wall with three points of contact on the wall: the back of the head, the mid back, and the tailbone.

Reach the elbows and back of the hands to touch the wall, then raise your arms toward the ceiling until you lose contact with the wall with your hands or elbows. Slowly lower back down and repeat.

Level 2.5

Seated Angel

From a seated position, lean forward slightly and open your arms to the side. Raise your arms forward and upward while sitting up tall. Slowly lower back down and repeat.

Level 3

Prone Angel

Lay on your stomach with a towel supporting your forehead. Open your arms off the ground and out to the side, while squeezing the muscles between the shoulder blades. Slowly aise them overhead and lower them back down, and repeat.

🟢 What You Should Feel:

Muscles working between the shoulder blades and in the upper back.

🔴 What You Shouldn’t Feel:

Pain in the neck, back, or arms.

📶 Progression Criteria:

Progress to the next level when you can complete 20 reps without pain or fatigue.

More Variations & Progressions

Remember to consult with your individual doctor or physical therapist with specific questions or concerns regarding exercise.

Use a band anchored in front of you while performing the same angel arm movement for an added challenge.

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