AgeProof Your Body – Exercise Library
Exercise Library > Burpee
How To Do Burpees
Burpees are a challenging but useful full body exercise that can be done at any age.
Effective for building functional upper and lower body strength for getting off the floor, burpees can be scaled to meet any ability level. Some burpee variations also contain a push up and a jump, which are useful skills to further develop strength and power.
Here are three options to get you started with Burpees.
Level 1:
Wall Burpee
Level 2:
Incline Burpee
Level 3:
Full Burpee
Level 1
Wall Burpee
Stand facing a wall with arms outstretched at about shoulder height. Jump or step your feet backward to incline your trunk toward the wall, keeping the core engaged to keep your body in a straight line. Optional: Add a push up in this inclined position.
Jump or step forward toward the wall, then reach or jump toward the ceiling to complete the burpee.
Level 2
Incline Burpee
Stand facing a stable chair or countertop. Bend forward and plant your hands firmly on the surface. Jump or step your feet backward, keeping the core engaged to keep your body in a straight line. Optional: Add a push up in this inclined position.
Jump or step forward toward the chair/counter, then stand up tall and reach or jump toward the ceiling to complete the burpee.
Level 3
Full Burpee
Bend forward and plant your hands firmly on the ground. Jump or step your feet backward into a full plank position, keeping the core engaged to keep your body in a straight line. Optional: Add a push up in this position.
Jump or step forward, then stand up tall and reach or jump toward the ceiling to complete the burpee.
🟢 What You Should Feel:
Muscles working in your arms, core, legs.
🔴 What You Shouldn’t Feel:
Pain in the back, arms, or legs.
📶 Progression Criteria:
Progress to the next level or add resistance when you can complete 20 reps without difficulty or fatigue.
More Variations & Progressions
Add a jump at the end of the burpee to further develop leg power and strength.
If you don’t feel like jumping at the end of the burpee, reach your arms up toward the ceiling and rise up onto your toes.
Remember to consult with your individual doctor or physical therapist with specific questions or concerns regarding exercise.
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