AgeProof Your Body – Exercise Library
Overhead Press
Exercise Library > Overhead Press
How To Do Overhead Presses
Overhead presses are an excellent way to develop functional upper body strength.
This exercise trains our ability to push vertically, requiring muscle strength and coordination in the shoulders, arms, and trunk. Overhead pressing can be useful to improve lifting and reaching overhead.
Here are three options to get you started with Overhead Presses.
Level 1:
Shoulder Circle
Level 2:
Incline Press
Level 3:
Overhead Press
Level 1
Shoulder Circle
From a standing, sitting, or bent over position, draw a large circle with your arm to explore your full shoulder range of motion.
Start with your thumb facing upward and moving your arm in front of you toward the ceiling. At the top of your range, flip your hand over and lead with your thumb coming back down behind you.
Level 2
Incline Press
Scoot to the front of a chair and lean backward so your trunk is in an inclined position.
Punch your arms up to the ceiling, then slowly lower back down, keeping your arms and core engaged throughout.
Level 3
Overhead Press
From a sitting or standing position, punch your arms toward the ceiling, then slowly lower back down.
Keep your neck tall and your core engaged to prevent your low back from arching.
🟢 What You Should Feel:
Muscles working in your chest, arms, and core.
🔴 What You Shouldn’t Feel:
Pain in the arms, neck, or back.
📶 Progression Criteria:
Progress to the next level or add resistance when you can complete 20 reps without pain or fatigue.
More Variations & Progressions
Use a band for a different style of resistance, by either sitting on the band (as pictured) or stepping on the band from a standing position.
Remember to consult with your individual doctor or physical therapist with specific questions or concerns regarding exercise.
Try a single arm overhead press for an added challenge to keep your trunk upright.
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