AgeProof Your Body – Exercise Library
Exercise Library > Plank
How To Do a Plank
Planks are a fundamental exercise to build core strength.
A strong core is helpful to perform daily activities such as lifting, squatting, and jogging. Planks provide a functional and scalable challenge for individuals hoping to practice core awareness and stability across the lifespan.
Here are three options to get you started with Planks.
Level 1:
Wall Plank
Level 2:
Kneeling Plank
Level 3:
Full Plank
Level 1
Wall Plank
Stand with your hands, fists, or elbows against a wall. Take a step backward to incline your trunk toward the wall. Keep your abdominal muscles tight to maintain your body in a straight line.
Level 2
Kneeling Plank
Kneel on the floor with either your hands, fists, or elbows on the ground. Keep your abdominal muscles tight to maintain your head, hips, and knees in a straight line.
Level 3
Full Plank
Face the ground in a high plank position on either your hands, fists, or elbows. Keep your core engaged to maintain your body in a straight line.
🟢 What You Should Feel:
Muscles working in your core, thighs, and glutes.
🔴 What You Shouldn’t Feel:
Pain or pinching in the low back, wrists, or shoulders.
📶 Progression Criteria:
Progress to the next level or add resistance when you can complete a 1 minute plank without fatigue.
More Variations & Progressions
Lift an arm or a leg to further challenge your stability. Keep the body level as if you were balancing a cup of water on your low back.
Use a stable chair or countertop as an alternative between the wall and kneeling variations.
Remember to consult with your individual doctor or physical therapist with specific questions or concerns regarding exercise.
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