AgeProof Your Body – Exercise Library
Exercise Library > Y’s
How To Do Y’s
Y’s is a useful exercise for the upper body that involves lifting the arms overhead into a “Y” position. If you have difficulty lifting the arms overhead, you can also open your arms out to the side in a “T” (out to side) or “W” (out to side w/ elbows bent) position.
Y’s, T’s, and W’s train the strength and coordination of muscles in the shoulder involved in overhead reaching and lifting.
Here are three options to get you started with Y’s.
Level 1:
Wall Lift Off
Level 2:
Bent Over Y's
Level 3:
Prone Y's
Level 1
Wall Lift Offs
Standing facing a wall, reach your arms upward into a “Y” position. Then, squeeze your shoulder blades together to lift your arms away from the wall. Keep your thumbs facing behind you.
Keep your neck and back tall and avoid leaning backwards away from the wall.
Level 2
Bent Over Y’s
From a seated position, lean forward while keeping your back and neck tall. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to lift your arms overhead into a “Y” position.
Level 3
Prone Y's
From a prone position with your forehead supported by a towel, squeeze your shoulder blades together to lift your arms overhead into a “Y” position.
🟢 What You Should Feel:
Muscles working between the shoulder blades and in the arms
🔴 What You Shouldn’t Feel:
Pain in the neck, back, or arms.
📶 Progression Criteria:
Progress to the next level or add resistance when you can complete 20 reps without pain or fatigue.
More Variations & Progressions
If Y’s are too difficult, try making a “W” shape.
Remember to consult with your individual doctor or physical therapist with specific questions or concerns regarding exercise.
Use a resistance band anchored in front of you or light dumbbells for an added challenge.
If Y’s are too difficult and W’s are too easy, try a “T” shape.
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