AgeProof Your Body
8-Week Class Series
Our original class series consisting of eight unique topics and a pre-/post-assessment to determine progress.
The AgeProof Your Body eBook
The AgeProof Your Body eBook, included for free with your AgeProof membership, provides detailed instructions and photos for each exercise, as well as relevant research articles, exercise insights, and more!
Winter 2021 Series
We are so excited to bring you the Winter 2021 edition of the AgeProof Your Body class series. In this video, Josh & Kirsten instruct four assessment tests that will be used to track progress over the next 8 weeks.
They also include a bonus EMOM workout challenging strength, balance, and endurance at the end of the class.
Submit your scores to the test using this link.
Class #1: Movement Foundations
In our Winter 2021 Foundations class, Meredith & Josh lead you through three movements that are crucial to our functional ability:
Class #2: Core Strengthening
Meredith and James explore exercises that can improve our core strength – the foundation for stability and control with any movement!
Supine 90/90
Side Planks
Health Lifts
Class #3: Lower Body
Meredith and Scott walk us through exercises that involve lower body activation and strength.
Bridges - Supine 90/90
Hip Abduction - Bridges
Reverse Lunge - Plank
Class #4: Upper Body
Molly and Koop walk us through upper body movements that primarily focus on strength and mobility of the shoulder, as well as other facilitating muscles through the chest and back.
Push Up
Overhead Press
Class #5: Posture
Josh and Scott tackle a big topic of interest at any age: Posture! Tune in to see how posture is dynamic in nature and can open windows into flexibility and range of motion that we might not have tapped into before.
Thoracic Mobility
Class #6: Balance
Meredith and James review movements that can help improve balance and recover quickly in the event of a fall. If you are looking for some cardio, look no further than burpees get our heart rates pumping in this session!
Calf Raises
Lateral Lunge
Class #7: Walking & Running
The McAfee brothers lead us through movements to utilize power and control while walking and running. Tune in to see what you can do to improve your stride!
Wall Pushes
Forward Lunge
Balance Adaptability
Class #8: Agility
Koop and Meredith get our hearts pumping with the agility class! There are two EMOMs to get you sweaty for our last class of the AgeProof series.
Stepping - Squats
Shuffling - Push-ups
Endurance - Supine 90/90
Josh and Meredith lead the post-assessment testing to wrap up our Winter 2021 cohort. Data from this assessment can be used in comparison to pre-assessment values to see if any changes have been made with consistent exercise over 8 weeks!
Tune in for a bonus EMOM workout challenging squats, push-ups, and balance at the end of the class.
Submit your scores to the test using this link.
Summer 2020 Series
AgeProof Orientation
Meet the AgeProof Your Body team as they introduce you to the class structure and things to know before starting the class series.
This class also contains guided instructions for the movement tests which will be used to track progress over the course of the 8-week class series.
Class #1: Movement Foundations
This class introduces key movement fundamentals for three basic movements targeting the lower body, upper body, and core.
Push Up
Alternating Extension
Class #2: Core & Lower Back Strengthening
Learn three basic exercises that aim to add stability to our core and lower back.
Dead Bug
Class #3: Walking & Running
This class will help you improve leg strength and agility for getting around your home or community.
Wall Lunge
Static Balance
Forward Lunge
Class #4: Shoulder & Arm – Mobility & Strength
This class, focused on the upper body, offers some simple exercises to improve the mobility and strength of your arms and shoulders.
Overhead Press
Shoulder Raises
Class #5: Posture
By the end of this class, you will be empowered to stand, sit, and move with your best posture.
Thoracic Mobility
Wall Angels
Scapular Activation
Class #6: Hip & Knee – Mobility & Strength
This class covers some simple exercises that will help you build lower body strength and mobility.
Reverse Lunge
Side Planks
Class #7: Balance & Dizziness
Improve your balance with this dynamic class covering
Calf Raises
3-Way Lunge
Class #8: Endurance, Agility, & Speed
This final class covers specific exercises to target your endurance, agility, and speed. It also includes a re-assessment of the movement testing completed at the orientation class.
Agility Drills
Duck Walks
Endurance Drills